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Observing & Analysis
SPT Team
News & Publications
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Project Supported by

NSF, National Science Foundation

KICP, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics

DOE Office of Science High Energy Physics

Flare star catalog
Four year lightcurves
Single-scan lightcurves



This page provides data products associated with the flare star catalog from the 2019 through 2022 observing seasons of the SPT-3G 1500 square degree survey. Linked below are the catalog containing 111 flaring events associated with 66 unique Gaia stars, the full four year SPT-3G lightcurve for each star in the 95 and 150 GHz bands, and the single-scan lightcurves of each of the detected flaring observations in 95, 150, and 220 GHz.

If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Chris Tandoi (ctandoi2_at_illinois.edu).


Flare star catalog


The full flare star catalog from Tandoi et al. (2024) is here.

Column descriptions from Tandoi et al. 2024:

  1. spt_id IAU-approved SPT source name, corresponding to the SPT detected location.
  2. mjd: The approximate time in MJD corresponding to the beginning of the observation the detection took place in.
  3. ts: The test statistic of the event, used to flag a possible flaring event occurring during that observation. Minimum values are 45, with a higher value having a more significant detection.
  4. ra: right ascension (J2000) in degrees.
  5. dec: declination (J2000) in degrees.
  6. 95_flux: flux in the 95 GHz band.
  7. 95_err: flux error in the 95 GHz band.
  8. 150_flux: flux in the 150 GHz band.
  9. 150_err: flux error in the 150 GHz band.
  10. 220_flux: flux in the 220 GHz band.
  11. 220_err: flux error in the 220 GHz band.
  12. spectral_index_95_150: 2-band spectral index for the 95/150 GHz bands.
  13. spectral_index_95_150_err: 2-band spectral index error for the 95/150 GHz bands.
  14. spectral_index_150_220: 2-band spectral index for the 150/220 GHz bands.
  15. spectral_index_150_220_err: 2-band spectral index error for the 150/220 GHz bands.
  16. dr3_source_id: Gaia DR3 unique source identifier.
  17. p: the probability of a random event cross-matching to this source.
  18. source_ra: right ascension (J2000) of the Gaia DR3 source in degrees.
  19. source_dec: declination (J2000) of the Gaia DR3 source in degrees.
  20. phot_g_mean_mag: magnitude of the Gaia G band.
  21. phot_bp_mean_mag: magnitude of the Gaia GBP band.
  22. phot_rp_mean_mag: magnitude of the Gaia GRP band.
  23. parallax: parallax of the Gaia source in milliarcseconds.
  24. parallax_err: parallax error of the Gaia source in millarcseconds.
  25. binary: boolean flag for binary candidacy.
  26. 2rxs_id: 2RXS identifier.
  27. 2rxs_ref: Flag for source association: "Freund" for an establed association, or "DR3/2RXS Proximity" for nearby sources.
  28. 2rxs_flux: 2RXS flux in mW m-2.


Four year lightcurves


A single FITS file containing four year SPT-3G lightcurves at 95 and 150 GHz for each unique Gaia star in the flare star catalog from Tandoi et al. (2024) is provided:


Column descriptions in the four year lightcurve FITS file:

  1. spt_id IAU-approved SPT source name, corresponding to the SPT detected location.
  2. gaia_id Gaia DR3 unique source identifier.
  3. ra right ascension (J2000) in degrees.
  4. dec declination (J2000) in degrees.
  5. mjd approximate time in MJD corresponding to the beginning of each individual SPT observation.
  6. 95_flux flux values for each observation in the 95 GHz band.
  7. 95_err flux errors for each observation in the 95 GHz band.
  8. 150_flux flux values for each observation in the 150 GHz band.
  9. 150_err flux errors for each observation in the 150 GHz band.
Flux values in these lightcurves use the Gaia position in the sky, and SPT pointing jitter may lead to this value sometimes being less than the flux provided in the catalog from Tandoi et al. (2024).


Single-scan lightcurves


A single FITS file containing single-scan SPT-3G lightcurves at 95, 150, and 220 GHz for each flaring event in the flare star catalog from Tandoi et al. (2024) is provided:


Column descriptions in the single-scan lightcurve FITS file:

  1. spt_id IAU-approved SPT source name, corresponding to the SPT detected location.
  2. gaia_id Gaia DR3 unique source identifier.
  3. ra right ascension (J2000) in degrees.
  4. dec declination (J2000) in degrees.
  5. mjd approximate time in MJD corresponding to the beginning of the SPT observation that this single-scan lightcurve took place in. This matches to the mjd columns in the catalog as well as the four year lightcurves.
  6. time approximate times in MJD corresponding to the time of each single-scan.
  7. 95_flux flux values for each observation in the 95 GHz band.
  8. 95_err flux errors for each observation in the 95 GHz band.
  9. 150_flux flux values for each observation in the 150 GHz band.
  10. 150_err flux errors for each observation in the 150 GHz band.
  11. 220_flux flux values for each observation in the 220 GHz band.
  12. 220_err flux errors for each observation in the 220 GHz band.

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Last update:


September 7, 2011