 | Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006: Test assembly of the South Pole Telescope |
First Light. The computer displays an image of the first celestial object tracked by the telescope during the test-build in Kilgore, Texas, and captured by one of the three optical pointing telescopes. Image Credit: Ken Aird
First Radio Measurements. Scanning the telescope across a radio beam from a transmitter mounted on a nearby tower in Kilgore, Texas, allows precise measurements of the reflector shape. These plots show the radio signal and where the telescope is pointing. Image Credit: Ken Aird
Control computers point and focus the telescope. Picture taken during the test-build in Kilgore, Texas, Summer 2006. Image Credit: Ken Aird
This 300 killowatt diesel generator powered the telescope during the test-build in Kilgore, Texas, Summer 2006. Image Credit: Ken Aird
Special digital photogrammetry camera used to measure the shape of the telescope reflector. Image Credit: Ken Aird
Calculating the shape of the telescope reflector using photogrammetry software. Image Credit: Ken Aird
Wires connecting motors and sensors to the telescope control electronics. Picture taken during the test-build in Kilgore, Texas, Summer 2006. Image Credit: Ken Aird
Flash photos like this, taken at night, allow special computer software to calculate the precise shape of the telescope reflector. Image Credit: Ken Aird
The completed telescope during the test-build in Kilgore, Texas, Summer 2006.
Preparing to hoist the reflector onto the telescope mount at the test-build in Kilgore, Texas, Summer 2006.
The carbon fiber back-up structure with most of the reflector panels mounted. Picture taken during the test-build in Kilgore, Texas, Summer 2006.
The carbon fiber back-up structure with several reflector panels mounted. Picture taken during the test-build in Kilgore, Texas, Summer 2006.
Test assembly of the South Pole Telescope in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
Test assembly of the South Pole Telescope in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
Test assembly of the South Pole Telescope in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
Test assembly of the South Pole Telescope in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
Test assembly of the South Pole Telescope in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
Test assembly of the South Pole Telescope in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
Test assembly of the South Pole Telescope in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
Close up of a single reflector panel mounted on the back-up-structure for the SPT primary mirror. Picture taken during the test-build in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
The back-up-structure for the SPT main reflector, with a single reflector panel mounted. Picture taken during the test-build in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
Photograph of the inside of the receiver cryostat as it is being assembled for testing in Summer 2006
Graduate student Joaquin Viera, postdoc Tom Crawford, and graduate student Ryan Keisler take a break on the completed back-up structure for the SPT primary mirror. Picture taken during the test-build in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
Graduate student Joaquin Viera and Postdoc Tom Crawford pose with the completed back-up structure for the SPT primary mirror. Picture taken during the test-buildin Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006.
Parts of the carbon fiber back-up structure being assembled. Picture taken during the test-build in Kilgore Texas, Summer 2006. Image Credit: Steve Padin
This giant steel optical bench supports the vacuum chamber that houses the secondary reflector and receiver. The red cylinder is one of six motors used to focus the telescope by moving the bench. Image Credit: Ken Aird