Project Supported by
NSF, National Science Foundation
KICP, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
USAP, United States Antarctic Program
Raytheon Polar Support Corporation
 | SPT+Planck Maps of the SPT-SZ Survey: Overview |
This page provides temperature maps of the 2500 deg2 SPT-SZ survey, produced
by combining data from the Planck satellite and the South Pole Telescope.
These maps and the method used to create them are described in detail in the accompanying paper
(link will be updated to published paper when available.) Maps are provided in three frequency bands,
centered at roughly 95, 150, and 220 GHz.
We provide:
1. The spherical harmonic coefficients (a_lm) of the combined data maps for each band. The inverse spherical harmonic transform of these
is equal to the combined data maps.
2. The combined data map for each band, in Healpix format, with resolution parameter Nside = 8192, and in RING ordering.
The maps are in Equatorial coordinates. The resolution is 1.85 arcmin.
They can be easily read using the healpy read_map function.
3. The two-dimensional filter M_lm for each combined map. These are double precision real arrays, and are indexed
the same as the a_lm arrays.
The a_lm's for each band have been multiplied by their corresponding filters
(indicated by the filenames).
4. Five combined null maps for each combined data map (15 combined null maps in total), in the same format as the combined data maps. The null maps
should contain no astrophysical signal but have the same noise properties as the data.
5. One SPT-SZ data map for each band, in the same Healpix format as the other maps described above.
These are the same maps that we combine with Planck data. They have been multiplied by the appropriate calibration factors
to convert to units of uK_CMB. The resolution of these maps is described by a Gaussian
with FWHM equal to 1.75 arcmin (slightly different from the combined data maps).
The SPT filter response has not been deconvolved from these maps. Bright sources have not been
masked from these maps. Only a boundary mask was applied.
6. Half-depth SPT-SZ data maps (2 maps for each band). These are produced by splitting the observations
into two sets with independent noise. These have the same resolution, mask, and format as the SPT data maps.
7. Five null maps for each SPT data map. (Now increased to 20 null maps for each SPT data map.)
8. The filter transfer functions (t_lm as described in the paper)
for each SPT-SZ data map, up to lmax = 10000. These are stored in the same
way as the combined data a_lm files. Note that t_lm does not include the 1.75 arcmin Gaussian beam.
9. The 1.75 arcmin FWHM Gaussian beam (B_l). This is a binary file containing the value of B_l from l=0 to l=10000.
10. The boundary and point source mask that was used in the analysis. This is in Healpix format, Nside = 8192, and in Equatorial
11. The boundary mask that was applied to the SPT-only data products.
12. A python script containing an example of how the maps, a_lm, M_lm, t_lm, and B_l files are read,
and how one might alter the filtering in the maps if desired.
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use, please contact Ryan Chown (ryan_dot_chown_at_mail_dot_mcgill_dot_ca).
 | SPT+Planck Maps of the SPT-SZ Survey |
Below are links to files containing SPT+Planck maps of the SPT-SZ survey, and related products. The maps, filters, and mask are described in detail in the accompanying paper.
Combined data maps.
Filenames are of the form combined_map_$BAND$GHz_nside8192_ptsrcmasked_50mJy.fits.gz, where $BAND$ is the frequency center of the SPT-SZ band (95, 150 or 220).
Combined null maps.
Filenames are of the form combined_noise_map_sim$SIM$_$BAND$GHz_nside8192_ptsrcmasked_50mJy.fits.gz, where $SIM$ runs from 0 to 4,
and $BAND$ is the frequency center of the SPT-SZ band.
Combined data alms.
Filenames are of the form alm_combined_data_$BAND$GHz_ptsrcmasked_50mJy.fits.gz, where $BAND$ is the frequency center of the SPT-SZ band.
M_lm filters.
Filenames are of the form Mlm_lmax10000_$BAND$GHz.bin.gz, where $BAND$ is the frequency center of the SPT-SZ band.
SPT-only data maps: Filenames are of the form spt_$BAND$ghz_calibrated_bdrymasked_reso_1p75am.fits.gz, where $BAND$ is the frequency center of the SPT-SZ band (95, 150 or 220).
SPT-only half-depth maps: Filenames are of the form spt_halfmap_$HALF$_$BAND$GHz_nside8192_bdrymasked_reso1p75am.fits.gz where $HALF$=1 or 2 (first half or second half, respectively),
and $BAND$ is the frequency center of the SPT-SZ band.
SPT-only null maps: Filenames are of the form spt_noise_map_sim$SIM$_$BAND$GHz_nside8192_bdrymasked_reso1p75am.fits.gz, where $SIM$ runs from 0 to 4,
and $BAND$ is the frequency center of the SPT-SZ band.
SPT filter transfer functions: Filenames are of the form tlm_$BAND$GHz_lmax10000.fits.gz where $BAND$ is the frequency center of the SPT-SZ band.
1.75 arcmin FWHM Gaussian beam.
mask_nside8192_ptsrc_50mJy.fits.gz: The mask that has been applied
to all of the combined maps in this release. This includes the SPT-SZ boundary (trimmed slightly around the edges and apodized), and
the F_150 >= 50 mJy point source mask as described in the paper.
mask_nside8192_bdry.fits.gz: The mask that has been applied
to all of the SPT-only maps in this release. This includes the SPT-SZ boundary (trimmed slightly around the edges and apodized). A Python script showing how to read in
the combined data a_lm's and M_lm filters, and how to modify the filtering of the maps.