Project Supported by
NSF, National Science Foundation
KICP, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
USAP, United States Antarctic Program
Antarctic Support Contract (ASC)
DOE Office of Science High Energy Physics
Related Websites
CBI, Cosmic Background Imager
DASI, Degree Angular Scale Interferometer
WMAP, Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
 | Overview |
This page provides data products associated with the SPT measurement of the millimeter-wavelength anisotropy power spectra described in astro-ph/1408.3161, George et al 2014.
The power spectra are presented over the multipole range 2000 < ell < 9400 at 95 GHz and 2000 < ell < 11000 at 150 and 220 GHz.
The power spectra can be used to refine models of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect and cosmic infrared background.
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use, please contact Elizabeth George (lizinvt_at_berkeley_edu).
 | Figures |
The SPT, and Planck 2013 CMB only bandpowers.
At ell > 2000, we show the bandpowers at 95, 150, and 220 GHz measured with the SPT in this work.
The bandpower errors shown do not include calibration uncertainties.
(This is Figure 2 in George et al. 2014.)
The six auto- and cross-spectra measured with the 3-frequency SPT data.
Overplotted on the bandpowers are the best-fit model for the fiducial set of model parameters.
Note that the bandpowers have not been corrected by the best-fit calibration or beam uncertainties in the MCMC chains.
In addition to the complete model (black lines), each individual model component is shown.
The thermal SZ effect is marked with the solid blue line.
The best-fit kSZ power is marked with the dashed blue line.
The Poisson power from DSFGS and radio galaxies are shown by solid orange and green lines respectively.
The clustered component to DSFGs is shown with a dot-dash, orange line.
The Galactic cirrus is shown with the solid yellow line.
(This is Figure 3 in George et al. 2014.)
 | Bandpowers |
These are the SPT bandpowers for 95x95, 95x150, 95x220, 150x150, 150x220, and 220x220 GHz from the full SPT-sz survey observations from 2008-2011.
The bandpowers cover the multipole range 2000 < ell < 11000.
All bandpowers have point sources masked above 6.4 mJy at 150 GHz.
The bandpowers are available in two versions.
One version has no galaxy clusters masked, and the other version has galaxy clusters detected above 5 sigma in the SPT maps masked.
See George et al. 2014 for details of the point source and cluster masking.
The bandpowers, covariances, window functions, and SPT format info file for the standard bandpowers are here in a gzipped tarball.
The bandpowers, covariances, window functions, and SPT format info file for the cluster masked bandpowers are here in a gzipped tarball.
A text file with the bandpowers for plotting can be found here.
Each row is one ell-bin. The columns are (1) lower bin edge, (2) upper bin edge, (3) bin center, (4) 95x95 bandpower, (5) 95x95 bandpower uncertainty, (6) 95x150 bandpower, (7) 95x150 bandpower uncertainty, (8) 95x220 bandpower, (9) 95x220 bandpower uncertainty, (10) 150x150 bandpower, (11) 150x150 bandpower uncertainty, (12) 150x220 bandpower, (13) 150x220 bandpower uncertainty, (14) 220x220 bandpower, (15) 220x220 bandpower uncertainty.
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use, please contact Elizabeth George (lizinvt_at_berkeley_edu).
 | Likelihood Code |
The code modules are here in a gzipped tarball. The files are intended to replace files for the November 2013 version of cosmomc.
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use, please contact Elizabeth George (lizinvt_at_berkeley_edu).