Project Supported by
NSF, National Science Foundation
KICP, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
USAP, United States Antarctic Program
Raytheon Polar Support Corporation
Related Websites
CBI, Cosmic Background Imager
DASI, Degree Angular Scale Interferometer
WMAP, Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
 | Plots |
WMAP5 (blue squares), ACBAR (green triangles), QUaD (turquoise diamonds) and the SPT (black circles) DSFG-subtracted bandpowers plotted over the best-fit, lensed LambdaCDM cosmological model (dashed red line) plus the best-fit tSZ power spectrum (solid black line), homogenous kSZ model (dashed black line), and residual Poisson distributed point source contribution (solid orange line) to the SPT bandpowers. The combined best-fit model is shown by the solid red line. The plotted SPT bandpowers have been multiplied by the best-fit calibration factor of 0.92. The patchy kSZ template is also shown for reference (dotted black line).
(This is Figure 4 in Lueker et al. 2009.)
 | Point-source-subtracted Bandpowers |
These bandpowers are calculated for a linear combination of the 150 and 220 GHz maps (map150 - 0.325 * map220) designed to remove foreground emission from dusty star-forming galaxies.
The CosmoMC data files are here in a gzipped tarball. These files use the CosmoMC extension produced by the QUaD collaboration which is available here .
The contents of the tarball consist of .newdat file and directory with window functions in text format. Spectrum_dsfg.newdat has bandpowers, uncertainties, and beam & calibration uncertainties. The window functions can be found in window_spt/window_XX, where XX is the bin number. In the window function files, the first column is ell and the second column is W_ell/ell.
A text file with the bandpowers for plotting can be found here .
Each row is one ell-bin. The columns are (1) ell_lower, (2) ell_upper, (3) ell_effective, (4) bandpower, and (5) bandpower uncertainty.
 | Single-frequency Bandpowers |
These bandpowers are calculated for 150x150, 150x220 and 220x220 spectra.
The CosmoMC data files are here in a gzipped tarball.
These files use the CosmoMC extension produced by the QUaD collaboration which is available here .
A text file with the bandpowers for plotting can be found here .
Each row is one ell-bin. The columns are (1) ell_lower, (2) ell_upper, (3) ell_effective, (4) bandpower for 150x150, (5) bandpower uncertainty for 150x150, (6) bandpower for 150x220, (7) bandpower uncertainty for 150x220, (8) bandpower for 220x220, and (9) bandpower uncertainty for 220x220.
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Martin Lueker (