Project Supported by
NSF, National Science Foundation
KICP, Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
USAP, United States Antarctic Program
Raytheon Polar Support Corporation
Related Websites
CBI, Cosmic Background Imager
DASI, Degree Angular Scale Interferometer
WMAP, Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
 | Overview |
This page provides data products associated with the point-source catalog from 771 square degrees of SPT data described in Mocanu et al (2013). Linked below are the full three-band source catalog (down to a significance threshold of 4.5 sigma), the differential number counts in each band---total and divided into synchrotron- and dust-dominated counts---and the cumulative number counts in each band.
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Monica Mocanu (
 | Catalog |
The full 4.5-sigma source catalog at 95, 150, and 220 GHz from Mocanu et al. (2013) is here .
The column descriptions from Mocanu et al. 2013 (with some minor changes for the non-latex version) are repeated here for reference:
- Source ID: the IAU designation for the SPT-detected source.
- RA: right ascension (J2000) in degrees.
- DEC: declination (J2000) in degrees.
- S/N (95 GHz): detection significance (signal-to-noise ratio) in the 95 GHz band.
- Sraw (95 GHz): raw flux (uncorrected for flux boosting) in the 95 GHz band.
- Sbest (95 GHz): median value of de-boosted flux at 95 GHz.
- dSup (95 GHz): upper error bar (1-sigma normal equivalent) of de-boosted flux at 95 GHz.
- dSdown (95 GHz): lower error bar (1-sigma normal equivalent) of de-boosted flux at 95 GHz.
- S/N (150 GHz): detection significance (signal-to-noise ratio) in the 150 GHz band.
- Sraw (150 GHz): raw flux (uncorrected for flux boosting) in the 150 GHz band.
- Sbest (150 GHz): median value of de-boosted flux at 150 GHz.
- dSup (150 GHz): upper error bar (1-sigma normal equivalent) of de-boosted flux at 150 GHz.
- dSdown (150 GHz): lower error bar (1-sigma normal equivalent) of de-boosted flux at 150 GHz.
- S/N (220 GHz): detection significance (signal-to-noise ratio) in the 150 GHz band.
- Sraw (220 GHz): raw flux (uncorrected for flux boosting) in the 220 GHz band.
- Sbest (220 GHz): median value of de-boosted flux at 220 GHz.
- dSup (220 GHz): upper error bar (1-sigma normal equivalent) of de-boosted flux at 220 GHz.
- dSdown (220 GHz): lower error bar (1-sigma normal equivalent) of de-boosted flux at 220 GHz.
- alpha95150,raw: estimate (from the raw flux in each band) of the 95 GHz-150 GHz spectral index alpha
- alpha95150,best: median value of spectral index.
- d_alpha95150,up: upper error bar (1-sigma normal equivalent) of spectral index.
- d_alpha95150,down: lower error bar (1-sigma normal equivalent) of spectral index.
- alpha150220,raw: estimate (from the raw flux in each band) of the 150 GHz-220 GHz spectral index alpha
- alpha150220,best: median value of spectral index.
- d_alpha150220,up: upper error bar (1-sigma normal equivalent) of spectral index.
- d_alpha150220,down: lower error bar (1-sigma normal equivalent) of spectral index.
- P(alpha > 1.5): fraction of the spectral index posterior probability distribution above the threshold value of 1.5. A higher value of P means the source is more likely to be dust-dominated.
- Type: source classification (synchrotron- or dust-dominated).
- Extended flag: flag for extended sources.
- External counterparts: external catalogs wherein a source has a match with an offset smaller than the chosen association radius. We choose an association radius of 1 arcminute for all catalogs except WISE, where we use 0.5 arcminutes.
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Monica Mocanu (
 | Differential Source Counts at 95 GHz |
The differential number counts as a function of 95 GHz flux from Mocanu et al. (2013) are here .
Columns in the file are:
- Flux range [low]: Low end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- Flux range [high]: High end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- dN/dS total, central: Central value of differential counts (in units of number per square degree per Jy) for all sources detected at 95 GHz.
- dN/dS total, lower error bar: 1-sigma lower error bar for differential counts (in units of number per square degree per Jy) for all sources detected at 95 GHz.
- dN/dS total, upper error bar: 1-sigma upper error bar for differential counts (in units of number per square degree per Jy) for all sources detected at 95 GHz.
- dN/dS synchrotron, central: Same as [3] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- dN/dS synchrotron, lower error bar: Same as [4] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- dN/dS synchrotron, upper error bar: Same as [5] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- dN/dS dust, central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- dN/dS dust, lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- dN/dS dust, upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- dN/dS dust (IRAS removed), central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- dN/dS dust (IRAS removed), lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- dN/dS dust (IRAS removed), upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- Completeness: Average value of completeness across the flux range given by [1] and [2].
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Monica Mocanu (
 | Differential Source Counts at 150 GHz |
The differential number counts as a function of 150 GHz flux from Mocanu et al. (2013) are here .
Columns in the file are:
- Flux range [low]: Low end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- Flux range [high]: High end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- dN/dS total, central: Central value of differential counts (in units of number per square degree per Jy) for all sources detected at 150 GHz.
- dN/dS total, lower error bar: 1-sigma lower error bar for differential counts (in units of number per square degree per Jy) for all sources detected at 150 GHz.
- dN/dS total, upper error bar: 1-sigma upper error bar for differential counts (in units of number per square degree per Jy) for all sources detected at 150 GHz.
- dN/dS synchrotron, central: Same as [3] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- dN/dS synchrotron, lower error bar: Same as [4] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- dN/dS synchrotron, upper error bar: Same as [5] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- dN/dS dust, central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- dN/dS dust, lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- dN/dS dust, upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- dN/dS dust (IRAS removed), central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- dN/dS dust (IRAS removed), lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- dN/dS dust (IRAS removed), upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- Completeness: Average value of completeness across the flux range given by [1] and [2].
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Monica Mocanu (
 | Differential Source Counts at 220 GHz |
The differential number counts as a function of 220 GHz flux from Mocanu et al. (2013) are here .
Columns in the file are:
- Flux range [low]: Low end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- Flux range [high]: High end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- dN/dS total, central: Central value of differential counts (in units of number per square degree per Jy) for all sources detected at 220 GHz.
- dN/dS total, lower error bar: 1-sigma lower error bar for differential counts (in units of number per square degree per Jy) for all sources detected at 220 GHz.
- dN/dS total, upper error bar: 1-sigma upper error bar for differential counts (in units of number per square degree per Jy) for all sources detected at 220 GHz.
- dN/dS synchrotron, central: Same as [3] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- dN/dS synchrotron, lower error bar: Same as [4] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- dN/dS synchrotron, upper error bar: Same as [5] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- dN/dS dust, central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- dN/dS dust, lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- dN/dS dust, upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- dN/dS dust (IRAS removed), central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- dN/dS dust (IRAS removed), lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- dN/dS dust (IRAS removed), upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- Completeness: Average value of completeness across the flux range given by [1] and [2].
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Monica Mocanu (
 | Cumulative Source Counts at 95 GHz |
The cumulative number counts as a function of 95 GHz flux from Mocanu et al. (2013) are here .
Columns in the file are:
- Flux range [low]: Low end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- Flux range [high]: High end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- N(>S) total, central: Central value of cumulative counts (in units of number per square degree) for all sources detected at 95 GHz.
- N(>S) total, lower error bar: 1-sigma lower error bar for cumulative counts (in units of number per square degree) for all sources detected at 95 GHz.
- N(>S) total, upper error bar: 1-sigma upper error bar for cumulative counts (in units of number per square degree) for all sources detected at 95 GHz.
- N(>S) synchrotron, central: Same as [3] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- N(>S) synchrotron, lower error bar: Same as [4] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- N(>S) synchrotron, upper error bar: Same as [5] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- N(>S) dust, central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- N(>S) dust, lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- N(>S) dust, upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz.
- N(>S) dust (IRAS removed), central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- N(>S) dust (IRAS removed), lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- N(>S) dust (IRAS removed), upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 95 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- Purity: Average value of purity across the flux range given by [1] and [2].
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Monica Mocanu (
 | Cumulative Source Counts at 150 GHz |
The cumulative number counts as a function of 150 GHz flux from Mocanu et al. (2013) are here .
Columns in the file are:
- Flux range [low]: Low end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- Flux range [high]: High end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- N(>S) total, central: Central value of cumulative counts (in units of number per square degree) for all sources detected at 150 GHz.
- N(>S) total, lower error bar: 1-sigma lower error bar for cumulative counts (in units of number per square degree) for all sources detected at 150 GHz.
- N(>S) total, upper error bar: 1-sigma upper error bar for cumulative counts (in units of number per square degree) for all sources detected at 150 GHz.
- N(>S) synchrotron, central: Same as [3] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- N(>S) synchrotron, lower error bar: Same as [4] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- N(>S) synchrotron, upper error bar: Same as [5] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- N(>S) dust, central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- N(>S) dust, lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- N(>S) dust, upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz.
- N(>S) dust (IRAS removed), central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- N(>S) dust (IRAS removed), lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- N(>S) dust (IRAS removed), upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 150 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- Purity: Average value of purity across the flux range given by [1] and [2].
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Monica Mocanu (
 | Cumulative Source Counts at 220 GHz |
The cumulative number counts as a function of 220 GHz flux from Mocanu et al. (2013) are here .
Columns in the file are:
- Flux range [low]: Low end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- Flux range [high]: High end of flux bin in which counts were estimated. In units of Jy.
- N(>S) total, central: Central value of cumulative counts (in units of number per square degree) for all sources detected at 220 GHz.
- N(>S) total, lower error bar: 1-sigma lower error bar for cumulative counts (in units of number per square degree) for all sources detected at 220 GHz.
- N(>S) total, upper error bar: 1-sigma upper error bar for cumulative counts (in units of number per square degree) for all sources detected at 220 GHz.
- N(>S) synchrotron, central: Same as [3] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- N(>S) synchrotron, lower error bar: Same as [4] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- N(>S) synchrotron, upper error bar: Same as [5] for synchrotron-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- N(>S) dust, central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- N(>S) dust, lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- N(>S) dust, upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz.
- N(>S) dust (IRAS removed), central: Same as [3] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- N(>S) dust (IRAS removed), lower error bar: Same as [4] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- N(>S) dust (IRAS removed), upper error bar: Same as [5] for dust-dominated sources detected at 220 GHz, excluding IRAS-FSC counterparts.
- Purity: Average value of purity across the flux range given by [1] and [2].
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Monica Mocanu (
 | Covariance matrices for number counts |
Following are covariance matrices for the synchrotron-dominated number counts from Mocanu et al. (2013) at 95 GHz , 150 GHz , and 220 GHz .
Following are covariance matrices for the dust-dominated number counts from Mocanu et al. (2013) at 95 GHz , 150 GHz , and 220 GHz .
The matrix elements in the files above are in units of Jy^(-2) and correspond to the flux bins with well-defined number counts (in the number counts above).
If you have any questions regarding this data set or its use please contact Monica Mocanu (